Data and analysis for informed and equitable decision-making
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Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in the Allegheny County Jail
This dashboard shows the current population of people who are receiving MOUD in the jail. as well as associated outcomes before and after their release. Data from 2021-present and updated weekly.

Intimate partner homicides in Allegheny County: Interactive dashboard and report
Read and explore the county’s report and dashboard on intimate partner homicides.
These provide information on demographics and human services involvement among victims and perpetrators of these homicides (IPH). The dashboard includes data from 2007-2024 and is updated annually.
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Recent Work

Rapid Cycle Evaluation Report: An Early Look at the Community Choice Demonstration
Pittsburgh-Allegheny County is one of eight sites participating in the Community Choice Demonstration (CCD) – a large-scale, multi-site randomized controlled trial to test the efficacy of offering housing mobility-related services […]

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in the Allegheny County Jail
This dashboard shows the current population of people who are receiving MOUD in the jail. as well as associated outcomes before and after their release. Data from 2021-present and updated weekly.

Intimate partner homicides in Allegheny County: Interactive dashboard and report
Read and explore the county’s report and dashboard on intimate partner homicides.
These provide information on demographics and human services involvement among victims and perpetrators of these homicides (IPH). The dashboard includes data from 2007-2024 and is updated annually.