All results for "COVID-19"

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3 illustrative people wearing masks

COVID-19 and Employment of Human Services Clients

Analysis of employment and earnings of people who rely on the public services of Allegheny County’s Department of Human Services.

a group of happy people sitting among books

COVID-19 Community Learning Hubs

This report provides data about community-based learning hubs that were created in response to school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Allegheny County Jail Population Decreases During COVID-19

During the pandemic, the Allegheny County Jail released eligible older and health-compromised individuals and low-risk individuals awaiting trial. This data brief explores the decrease of the Jail population and the recidivism of people who were released.

All Hands on a Remote Deck: The Department of Human Services’ Response to COVID-19

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Allegheny County, the Department of Human Services responded, streamlining processes that helped feed, educate, house, protect and serve thousands of clients and residents of the County.

Allegheny County DHS Plan for COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ (DHS) goals, the types and volume of services we deliver in partnership with our network of […]

Allegheny County Detailed COVID-19 Data: Interactive Dashboard

Explore detailed data about COVID-19 testing, cases and outcomes and to filter by race, ethnicity, gender and age.