All results for "data sharing"

Improving Prioritization of Housing Services: Implementation of the Allegheny Housing Assessment (AHA) and the Mental Health Allegheny Housing Assessment (MH-AHA)
New information added. Since 2017, DHS has used data driven models to support prioritization of housing resources. Read more about their development and deployment in the homelessness and behavioral health systems.

Information for DHS contracted providers
Information for DHS providers on tools to improve care coordination, quality improvement, and strategic planning and on how to share information safely and securely with DHS.

Allegheny County Data Warehouse
Updated information added. View information about the Allegheny County Data Warehouse, which brings together and integrates client and service data from a wide variety of sources both internal and external to the County.

A Bumpy but Worthwhile Ride: data-driven efforts to improve housing coordination for people experiencing homelessness
Allegheny County established a coordinated entry system to prioritize the most vulnerable homeless clients to get them into housing as quickly as possible.

Using Data from Schools and Child Welfare Agencies to Predict Near-Term Academic Risks
The National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance at the Institute of Education Sciences (US Department of Education) examined data from Allegheny County students to better understand predictors of […]

Linking Data to Improve Human Services Delivery: Podcast
How is the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) able to link data across programs and with providers, given privacy law restrictions? Erin Dalton, Director of DHS, and Brian […]

Child Welfare Leadership Fellows: Using Data to Improve the Lives of Children and Families
Twenty-seven child welfare professionals participated in the first year of the Leadership Fellows program, learning how to use data to 1) identify issues that negatively impact children and families in […]

Improving Education and Well Being Outcomes: August 2015 Update
By the spring of 2015, 16 school districts, Propel Schools and the Allegheny Intermediate Unit had signed legal agreements with the Department of Human Services (DHS), allowing data to be […]

Sharing Data to Support Homeless Students in Allegheny County
Schools districts and human service systems define homelessness differently (as mandated by their respective regulatory and funding entities), resulting in many youth who are known to only one system. While […]

ACHIEVE After-School Program
The ACHIEVE after-school program evolved from DHS’s data-sharing agreement with the Pittsburgh Public Schools and was designed as an intervention for under-performing middle school students who were also involved in […]

Improving Educational and Well Being Outcomes: August 2013 Update
In the third year of the agreement that allows the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) and Department of Human Services (DHS) to integrate data, collaboration extended beyond DHS and local school […]

Gaps in School Achievement: Human Services Involvement in Clairton City Public Schools
In January 2012, DHS and the Clairton City School District signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to share student data. The partnership built on previous work to share data between […]

Human Services: Sustained and Coordinated Efforts Could Facilitate Data-Sharing While Protecting Privacy
U.S. Government Accountability Office The U.S. Government Accountability Office examined four innovative data sharing practices (including DHS’s) to determine (1) how selected states or localities have shared data across programs […]

Improving Educational and Well Being Outcomes: July 2012 Update
The second year of the agreement that allows the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) and Department of Human Services (DHS) to integrate data brought opportunities to improve school performance of children […]

Framework For Collaboration: Integrating School and Human Services Data In Pittsburgh
OCD | Developments by the University of Pittsburgh Click to read the full report.